The latest blog entries beginning from entry 81:

2009-10-07 18:05:42
Just remember this
An image just to remember a simple fact. At the moment I work for this
time of the year...

2009-09-29 18:04:43
Drei Schweinchen Brettspiel - ein Entwurf
Das drei Schweinchen Brettspiel. Ein
Rohentwurf der Spielregeln und des Spielbrettes.

2009-09-22 22:51:13
The little three piggies - Modern Times
For sure not the good old fairy tale, but a new
short story with a similar content.

2009-09-22 22:47:36
Die kleinen drei Schweinchen - Moderne Zeiten
Nicht ganz ein M

2009-09-19 17:37:38
Talk, walk, look like a Pirate Day
Yarrr! S

2009-09-08 00:42:29
The three little piggies retold
The classic fairy tale retold.

2009-09-08 00:39:45
Die drei kleine Schweinchen - die Nacherz
Die Nacherz

2009-09-07 23:21:28
Just an image
May I introduce to you: Charlie Max Angelmaker, Austin Texas, born in Chemnitz,
East Germany.

2009-09-01 20:56:41
Second Age Game
The Second Age Social-Mobile-Twitter-Wiki-Story-Casual-Community-Game is
back. You can puzzle messages and images. Use with your mobile

2009-08-28 16:56:51
I am a socialiser seeker
... says International Hobo. It's a little survey Chris
Batesman established. So help him and the game industy and mayby yourself.

2009-08-25 09:14:38
GDC Europe choice by peter molyneux
This is the last note for the GDC Europe. Peter
Molyneux's lecture felt like a keynote although it was none. It was a press
presentation originally. Funny enough, worth to hear it.

2009-08-25 01:30:40
GDC Europe My first 3 sessions
'Choice' by Peter Molyneux will follow.

2009-08-25 01:19:36
GDC Europe Wedneday My last session
Creating Visual Identity for games by Viktor
Antonov. Just the notes, but there were many, many images. Sorry, you have to
imagine them.

2009-08-18 18:36:13
GDCE last session tuesday: desining social games
desining social games by game veteran
steve meretzky

2009-08-18 17:34:17
GDC Europe Tuesday Dan Conner Telltale
This was a business talk, like they always do.
I'm pretty interested in a developer talk, like the one, the music and sound
department speech on last years GDC in San Francisco. I am interested in
episodic storytelling gaming and a how to. Here are the notes:

2009-08-18 17:25:26
GDCE keynote tuesday
writing interactive narrative for a mature content by Dave
Cage(Quantum content)

2009-08-18 13:05:44
GDCE session Tue3 panel designing women
Moderator Mageret Wallace (Rebel Monkey), Panel
Kelle Santiago (thatgamecompany llc), Cynthia Woll (cul de sac studios), Sheri
Garner Ray (schell games)since 1989,Author of the book Gender inclusive Game
Design,Tracy Fullerton (usc interactive media)

2009-08-18 10:59:09
GDCE session tue2 social networking: lessons learned
hugh de loayza from zynga

2009-08-18 10:56:23
session Tue1 alternative finance
and new development business models. A classic business
pane. I don't if this was the right starter for the morning. Tons of coffee
would be helpfull. Here are my GDCE notes:

2009-08-17 22:25:47
GDC Europe and a flooder game
This is a incredibile fast implementation of the flooder
princip. It took half the way from my work to my home (25 minutes more or

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