2009-08-18 10:56:23
session Tue1 alternative finance

and new development business models. A classic business
pane. I don't if this was the right starter for the morning. Tons of coffee
would be helpfull. Here are my GDCE notes:

completion bonds
a model from
the cinematic production
a risk taker for publisher investors and
monitoring the production > enables the

external finance vs publisher deal
most financing is a
mixed model

fonds act as a publisher. They give you a ditribution

control your ips and code

fonds deals you give your ip away
as a garanty and get it back in the end of success

fonds wants royalty
like yourself as a developer
a lot of ips are dormant
you could make a
book comic song film themepark what ever

make a prototyp but it does not
have to be computer game