2010-05-20 18:23:06
First screenshots of the pre alpha build of FFaCThe first screenshots are
available of the pre alpha FFaC build. And yes, it is for android. What else?FFaC - funkfish and chips - is a small storytelling wizard, "game" environment
and notes taker.
It allows you to develop, build and play your on
storytelling slide show games on any Android mobile device since Level 3
(Android Version 1.5).
Right here are some screen shots and explanations.
So you can see what you get.
Indeed it is a strip down easy version of the
funkfish adventure development

The first image show the central starter application. The
first row is for building and playing your slide story. The second row shows
the note apps. A simple text editor, a super simple drawing tool and a primitive
On the right you see the general slide show wizard. Add, remove or
edit your slides.
Do not forget to set the title of the game. Now you may click
your android's menu button to save your

img]http://funkfish.net/spiele/images/newpictures/ffac_wizzard2.png" width="240[img
h]400" style="border:0px; " alt="a picture"/>

g]http://funkfish.net/spiele/images/newpictures/ffac_wizzard3.png" width="240" height="
400" style="border:0px; " alt="a picture"/>
Left: A single slide. Import any image from your
"funkfish/notes" folder on the sdcard.
Right: here you can add, edit and
remove texts to a selection element. Shows the target choice for a

img]http://funkfish.net/spiele/images/newpictures/ffac_notes_editor.png" width="240
" height="400" style="border:0px; " alt="a picture"/>

Left: You can use the note editor in landscape (good
for phones with keyboard) and
Right: in portrait mode. You can sketch your
story before you build it or manage todo

]240" height="400" style="border:0px; " alt="a picture"/>

gw]240" height="400" style="border:0px; " alt="a picture"/>
Left: with the drawing tool you can make simple
black and white sketches. Use export to save them as jpeg files, save to make a
working copy, that you can load again.
Right: the camera currently takes only
one square picture per run.